LeadHuskyIn veterinary practices, and ultimately any workplace, we are all looking for the same thing: a harmonious work environment where we love what we do, working with people we respect, admire and enjoy being around. The larger our practices become, the more difficult this might seem to be to reach.

It takes leadership to improve the culture of any workplace. And when I say leadership, I’m not necessarily talking about the owner or manager. Don’t get me wrong—they need to be great leaders, but leadership on the floor and throughout the team is what really sparks strong positive cultural change.

You don’t have to wait to be chosen to join a committee, or promoted to a supervisory role to be a leader. To begin your journey to leadership, you need to do three things:

  • A: You need to be approachable. People are drawn to those who are open to difficult conversations, who listen respectfully, and who reflectively offer sound advice. When you make yourself available and approachable to your team, you are on solid ground as a leader.
  • R: You need to be responsible for your behavior. The tone you set, and the example you model for behavior is the second key to better leadership. When you decide you aren’t going to participate in gossip, or start the day off in a foul mood you are leading your organization one step closer to a healthier workplace.
  • F: You need to bring FUN to work! Smiles and laughter are true signs of a great work environment. People who liven up the day-to-day by bringing laughter to their peers are who we all want to work with. Leaders know how to do this by balancing humor with appropriateness, always remembering that in diverse workplaces, sensitivity to certain topics is needed.

Step up and change your workplace—-you don’t need to wait for someone else to decide to do it. Be a leader and make positive change in your environment today. Arf! Arf!