I am completely obsessed with the new Chipotle video. I can’t bring myself to call it an advertisement, because it’s so unique and original that it truly stands apart from traditional marketing.


You might be thinking to yourself, “way cool, but what does that have to do with my veterinary practice?” My answer is: EVERYTHING!

Effective communication is essential to your practice’s growth and sustainability, now and in the future. There are too few practices today that realize they need to shift their message to appeal to today’s pet owner. Did you realize the Millennial generation is made up of more than 85 million people? And they’re not kids anymore! They are your staff members and your clients today!

Why does this particular video appeal to the Millennial generation? (by the way, it appeals to Generation-X, as well!) They want to make a difference in the world. They want to support things/people/businesses that have a purpose and communicate it well. Chipotle’s Mission statement is: “Food with integrity is our commitment to finding the very best ingredients raised with respect for the animals, the environment and the farmers.” That’s a mission I can get behind and support by going out of my way to eat at Chipotle over other fast food models. And yes, I realize I pay more for my meal when I do this, but I believe in their mission and that breeds loyalty. They communicate their mission extremely well in their new video without saying a word.

If you have a purpose as a veterinary practice, and you communicate it just as effectively—-you build loyalty. Stop focusing on discounts and pricing! Charge a fair price for the services you deliver, and then live and breathe your Mission. That’s where you need to focus your efforts to remain competitive today and tomorrow.